Voir la fiche de : lightning generator
1Max2Liens » Graphisme » Images » lightning generator
Nom du site : lightning generator
Description du site : Portail francophone des utilisateurs de Persistence of Vision (POV)
Mots clés : POV, Persistence of Vision, Image, Dessin, Picture, Show, Illustration, Virtuel, Pixel, Representation, Synthese, Figure, Texture, 3D, Infographie, Persistence, Vision, Moray, Spatch, Hamapatch, Blender, POSER, IRTC, Raytracing, Ray, Modeler, Modeleur, Scenes, Sources, Tutoriaux, Liens, Outils, news, New, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Software, download, downloads, Free, FREE, free, Free Software, FreeSoftware, free software, Community, community, Bulletin, bulletin, Board, Boards, Survey, survey, Comment, Comments, comments, Portal, portal, GNU, gnu, GPL, gpl, License, programming, Web Site, Directory, Internet, Sites, Linux, UNIX, Conception, Scene, Graphics, creating, raytracer, utilisation, poser, persistence vision, graphisme, tracer, rendu, forum, OBJ, 3DS, MAX, Poseray, ThreeD
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